Read if:
I have learnt everything from above mentioned resources so if you wanna better understand everything in detail please check them out.
This article gonna contain some basics of svelte store and then we going to make a notification/toast component.
The svelte/store
module exports functions for creating readable
, writable
and derived
Stores are accessible globally.
You can access as reactive $store
syntax or using store contract
Writeable Store
store = writable(value?: any)
Set is a method that takes one argument which is the value to be set. The store value gets set to the value of the argument if the store value is not already equal to it.
Update is a method that takes one argument which is a callback. The callback takes the existing store value as its argument and returns the new value to be set to the store.
// import writable from svelte store
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
// Assign a variable to store
const count = writable(0);
// Adding subscribers to store
count.subscribe(value => {
}); // logs '0'
// Setting a new value to store
count.set(1); // logs '1'
// Updating store using set value
count.update(n => n + 1); // logs '2'
store = readable(value?: any, start?: (set: (value: any) => void) => () => void)
This is how we create a readable store.
const time = readable(null, set => {
set(new Date());
const interval = setInterval(() => {
set(new Date());
}, 1000);
return () => clearInterval(interval);
Derived Stores
import { derived } from 'svelte/store';
const doubled = derived(number, $number => $number * 2);
As you can see it's using a store number
then returned it's double, so if number changes so the derived store too.
This is some basic understanding of svelte stores now we gonna use svelte store to make a notification/toast component.
Toast Component
// lib/notification.ts
import { writable } from 'svelte/store'
type Notification = string
export const notifications = writable<Notification[]>([])
export function toast(message: string) {
notifications.update((state) => [message, ...state])
setTimeout(removeToast, 2000)
function removeToast() {
notifications.update((state) => {
return [...state.slice(0, state.length - 1)]
<script lang="ts">
import { fade } from 'svelte/transition'
import { notifications } from './notifications'
{#if $notifications}
<div class="notifications">
{#each $notifications as notification}
Above we are looping through are notification store and displaying the available notifications on the screen.
<script lang="ts">
import Toast from './toast.svelte'
import { toast } from './notifications'
<Toast />
<button on:click={() => toast('🔥 Svelte is fire')}>
Show notification
Above we imported our toast component and toast method from notification to update the store and displaying the toast.
It's a basic toast for explaining store, you can use james q quick's video tutorial for which is in-depth explanation of making a toast.
This is me writing for you. If you wanna ask or suggest anything please put it in comment.
Reason for Late Post
I was vibing to this song on loop while writing this article 😂
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